
SO(Stadium Owner)

A Stadium Owner is the key representative of K STADIUM governance. The SO contributes to the K STADIUM ecosystem by voting on behalf of other users pertaining to proposals on the network. The SO is also the block producer of the network and runs the entire node to verify each transaction. The SO’s reliability ultimately dictates their demand on the network ultimately influencing voting power, which in turn affects additional rewards based on the ranking of the stake.

SOM(Stadium Owner Member)

All other users who have invested KSTA in K STADIUM are referred to as Stadium Owner Members, and do not directly conduct governance voting or operate nodes. SOMs who have invested KSTA in the community pool will receive the equivalent amount in SOP (Stadium Owner Power). The SOP can be delegated to the SO, and in return, the user will receive a portion of the rewards the SO receives according to the amount delegated.

SOP(Stadium Owner Power)

SOP is a governance voting right that can be delegated to the SO. K STADIUM's major crypto alongside KSTA. SOP will be issued proportionally to the amount of KSTA staked.

Community Pool

Regarding funds designated for the development of a project or network, all members can participate in the governance proposal to the usage of the community pool. Funds will be leveraged according to the results of relevant proposals passed.


Incentives are provided to the SO and delegates as rewards for investment. K STADIUM's reward is largely divided into three categories:

  1. Standard

  2. Block Production

  3. Rank Depending on SO's voting power and ranking, there is a gap in rewards. Detailed reward distribution can be found in K STADIUM's white paper.

  • Standard: Varies according to SOP of SO (total SO)

  • Block Production: Equally paid to block production nodes (SO 1st to 6th)

  • Rank: Additional reward differently paid in proportion to SO ranking (SO 1st to 12th)


Slashing refers to penalties according to certain actions or inactions on the part of the SO. Upon application, the SO's stake will be reduced, and the shares delegated to the SO will also be reduced according to the ratio.

  • Non-participation in governance voting (0.1%)

  • negligence in node operation (0.1%)

  • non-disclosure of compensation details (0.1%)

  • double signatures, and other misconduct (1% 이상)


Any SO or SOM can submit various network-related topics such as community pool spending, software changes, and project investment. Submission of a proposal requires a deposit, a device to encourage objectivity and absence of bias. If or when the proposal is voted through, the deposit will be returned.

  • Passed : the proposal is passed

  • Rejected : the proposal is rejected/failed to meet the quorum

Voting Process

SOM who have delegated more than 100 SOP will be given the voting rights. SOM can exercise voting rights with Yes/No during the voting period of one week. Only SO with a quorum of 20% or more in the SOM vote will exercise the voted opinion in the final vote. The proposal submitted to the vote is considered passed with the quorum reached 40% or more and with 50% of Yes.


A deposit of certain amount of KSTA is paid to prevent unnecessary suggestions or system abuse when registering a proposal. The proposer pays in full and the payment deadline is one week. If the proposal is passed, the deposit will be refunded, but if it does not, it will be burned.